- We would like to propose the sense of value of shinise that reflects Japanese disposition (a company as a public institution of society shall seek perpetuity and pursue sound and long-lasting prosperity while paying consideration to harmonising with the social environment (i.e., shinise spirit) as social capital) as one of various styles of a sense of value separate from the Wall Street-type of sense of value (in which a company is a product which only has liquidation value and achievement or output should be attained within 5 years at the maximum). We also would like to demonstrate that globalisation can be defined as regionalisation and that pursuing the public interest of the region brings about the best results.
- We would like to transmit the spirit of shinise and its realisation, globalised NOREN, as a responsibility of the country that has the most number of shinises in the world.
- There are about 21,000 companies in Japan that have been operating for 100 years or more and there are 8 companies that were established more than 1,000 years ago (there is also a company that was established more than 1,000 years ago in Austria). We can rightly say that Japan has the most number of shinises in the world (Source: Tokyo Shoko Research and En Wikipedia).
- It is miraculous that many companies have survived through major incidents such as the Meiji Restoration and both world wars even after taking into consideration the geopolitical conditions of Japan which is an island where foreign commerce was closed for a long time. There must be a disposition among Japanese, a special feeling that companies are valuable and must be passed on to the next generation.

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- The name shows the spirit of shinise in a direct manner before it is formed as shinise, and we implanted our aspirations in it to discover and share the perpetuity as social capital.
- As Zeami and Saikaku said, shinise is copying in which the basic philosophy is to copy the DNA of a company, and the DNA of a company means the act of copying.